issues in latin america: part 2
click on a country for its respective information
i´m going to be updating this carrd as i get more information.

the mayan ruins in guatemala are history for them, and it´s about to be destroyed if we don´t do anything. The USA wants to steal this land to build a theme park for tourist attractions, and people who live there would become employees.
undocumented immigrants are sent to jail (that don´t have soap or water, basic needs that now more than ever are needed) or back to their country. kids are alone without their families or parents.
in the 1st of november, hurricane "Eta" left thousands of houses and departments flooded and people are trapped. the government isn´t doing anything about it and all the rescues and supplies have been given by the citizens.

trigger warning: death
the government is stealing money (the president faked having covid-19), doctors aren´t in the numbers of deaths, they are telling citizens fake treatments to cure the virus and people are dying on the streets (either of covid-19 or hunger, because there isn´t enough food). due to this, people from honduras are migrating to guatemala.

trigger warning: death
their president, Lenin Moreno, doesn´t know how to handle the pandemic, which has led to hospitals giving the incorrect bodies/ashes to the incorrect families. there are literally DEAD BODIES lying on the streets and the government doesn´t do anything. hospitals don´t even have enough beds to attend people with the virus.
authorities don´t care about femicides and the government stole all the donated medicine that was given to hospitals to fight covid-19.

trigger warning: police brutality, death
this country has been in dictatorship for 15 years now. Daniel Ortega, the dictator, has stole money from the government (and money that has been sent from other countries to help), lied about the number of cases and deaths. people started protesting in 2018 to take away his power, but he sent the police who killed the peaceful protesters. some were sent to jail and still don´t know anything about them. plus, no one actually knows what´s happening there since the dictator paid all the media to stay silent.

trigger warning: police brutality, drugs, rape
there´s a lot of drug trafficking and the president, Ican Duque, steals money from colombia. The army and police rape kids and teenagers, getting away with it. about a month ago, 7 people from the army raped a 13 yeard-old indigenous girl, and as i said, got away with it because they said the girl gave consent and didn´t show resistance.
colombia is suffering from a tropical storm, which caused floods and people lost their houses or are trapped inside.

the goverment gave money that was supposed to help, but many people have not received it. people were also supposed to get a bag with food, but about 300 families haven´t received it. in this country, about 200 thousand people are without a job, which obviously leads to having no money. hospitals and firefighters do not have all the supplies and equipment they need, so they protested.
the education is horrible because they´ve been teaching through radios but a lot of kids live in poverty so they don´t have electricity to listen to them.
if you got to the end, i just want to say thank you.
i can assure you we, the latin community, aprecciate you educating yourself very much. please keep spreading this so everyone can be informed.
love you!